Treason Season - Monday, November 02, 2009 - Copyright 2007
Lynn Ashby's editorial "Treason Season" from November 2 railed against those here in America that are advocates for the War on Terrorism. His underlying theme was to allude that advocates for the War on Terror are akin to the rise of the National Socialist Party in Germany. He never goes any deeper than the accusation except to start attacking individuals rather than draw relevant historical comparisons.
Typical of most opinion makers on the left Mr. Ashby focuses his attention on attacking the individuals he opposes rather than the substance of their arguments.
Moreover, and more offensive, he tries to pin an emergence of an evil in our country on Christians and Christian "hate."
Mr. Ashby completely overlooks that it was not "Christian hate" that crashed two planes into the World Trade Center. It was not "Christian hate" that video taped the beheading of journalist Daniel Pearl. Nor was it "Christian Hate" that teaches Palestinian children that suicide bombing is a wonderful or glorious thing.
Mr. Ashby ignores the fact that Christians donate millions of dollars every year and some risk their very lives to serve as missionaries, forfeiting vacation time that could be spent here in the USA and instead risk their very lives to help build infrastructure, provide food & medicine to underprivileged people around the world. Members of my own church have risked their lives to help minister to the needs of people in Africa where Muslim warlords kill people who do not accept their faith of Islam (especially Christians).
Interestingly enough Mr Ashby quotes Eleanor Roosevelt: "Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." However, instead of discussing "ideas" or "events." Mr. Ashby spends the bulk of his article denigrating "people."
By way of example:
-Christians are haters and responsible for the emergence of a new evil in America.
-Dick Army and Rush Limbaugh are greedy.
-Bloggers are fat people in bathrobes living in basements.
-Web sites like the Huffington Post or Drudgereport are not legitimate because they don't spend $3 million a year establishing bureaus in war zones.
-Fox News viewers are ignorant.
At no point does Mr. Ashby ever take on any of the arguments he opposes based upon their "ideas" or the substance thereof. Instead he insults the people who proctor or support the ideas he opposes.
Maybe Mrs Roosevelt was on to something when she said "Small minds discuss people."
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
When you can't win the argument on merits, play the race card!
Carter: Racism plays major role in opposition to Obama -
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First California Congresswoman Diane Watson makes the accusation in a fund raising event that any white people that oppose Barack Obama's socialist agenda are simply against him because he's black.
Last week New York Times left wing columnist Maureen Dowd claimed that it was racism that compelled Congressman Joe Wilson to call President Obama a liar. Never mind that Congressman Wilson was party to several amendments killed by Democrats to the health care bills that would have mandated enforcement of ensuring illegal aliens were excluded from coverage. Imagine his frustration when President Obama stood before both
And now we have former President Jimmy Carter making a similar argument that people simply oppose Barack Obama because of his skin color.
First and foremost any Democrat or liberal that starts throwing around the race card in the health care debate, the massive expansion of government debate or the government take over of private company debates are relying on nothing more than their lack of intellectual capacity to argue these issues on the merits alone.
I personally find it offensive and racist in their own rights. However, I will note that as the playing of the race card becomes more prevalent, the more I am convinced that Conservatives (not Republicans) are winning the war of ideas with the American public.
However, allow me to apply the same logic used by Congresswoman Diane Watson, Columnist Maureen Dowd and former President Jimmy Carter. Their argument is racism is the only reason people are rejecting President Obama's socialist agenda.
By their own logic they too are admitting they are racists themselves, when they oppose prominent African American's who espouse capitalistic free market political values and philosophies. To name a few of these individuals:
Micheal Steele Chairman of the Republican National Committe.
Ward Connerly, political activist in support of campaigns against racial preferences.
JC Watts, former Congressman from Oklahoma and author of "What Color is a Conservative"
Thomas Sowell, columnist and author of numerous economic and political books such as "Black Rednecks, White Liberals","Economic Facts and Fallacies","The Vision of the Anointed","Basic Economics" and much much more.
Maureen Dowd, Jimmy Carter and Dianne Watson I guess by using your own logic you are racist but then again, I'm not a big fan of your logic.
health care,
jimmy carter,
maureen dowd,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Note To President Obama Regarding is "Tax Crackdown".
Dear President Obama,
Who in the hell do you think you are to look down your arrogant nose at the American private sector and tell them you are going to “crack down” and make us pay our fair share of taxes?
Sir you neglect the simple matter of fact that the private sector is the entity that creates jobs, wealth and prosperity in addition to employing people not only here in America, but yes also abroad.
You decline to acknowledge that the US Corporate Tax Rate is already the 2nd highest of all western industrialized nations which is one of the primary reasons companies go offshore. It is your government that is pushing these companies offshore.
Before you start targeting people & business entities in the private sector, I would ask that you demonstrate some “change we can believe in” and address the rank hypocrisy within your own house. In case you are oblivious or unaware of this hypocrisy let me remind you:
House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangle—currently under investigation for tax evasion.
HHS Secretary--Kathleen Sebelius 7k owed in taxes prior to Senate confirmation.
HHS Secretary Nominee—Tom Daschell 140k owed in taxes, forced to withdraw his nomination.
Secretary of Commerce Nominee—Bill Richardson abandoned his nomination because of tax problems in addition to an ongoing criminal investigation.
Hilda Solis—Labor Secretary confirmed after agreeing to pay 6,400 in unpaid taxes.
Treasury Secretary—Tim “Turbo Tax” Geithner failed to pay FICA taxes for several years and had to repay his taxes prior to Senate confirmation.
Office of Management & Budget nominee---Nancy Killefer withdrew her nomination due to back taxes and a $900 dollar lien on her home for failing to pay unemployment compensation for household help.
Let us also not forget all of the Fraud, Waste and Abuse that occurs within the Federal Bureaucracy, you can clean that up to while you are at it. This is the audacity of hypocrisy, and it stinks!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Disdain for The Declaration of Independence
"We have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms," Obama said to loud applause. "But I pledge to you that we seek an equal partnership. There is no senior partner and junior partner in our relations."-- President Barak Obama in his speech to the 34 nation summit of the Americas this weekend.
Collectively President Obama’s actions and statements in his European, Asian and now Mexico and South America have become the figurative equivalent of giving the Declaration of Independence the middle finger.
The man Barak Obama is one of two things in his political ideology. He either an ignorant ideologue that has no understanding of our founding documents or he flat out rejects our founding principles in favor of the collectivist teachings of Marx, Engels and other like minded Socialists. I am firmly inclined to believe the latter especially given the President once taught Constitutional Law.
In recent weeks President Obama has declared our nation’s past actions as “derisive” and “arrogant” in dealing with other nations. He flat out stated that most of President Bush’s foreign policy initiatives were mistakes. In every country he has visited from Europe to Turkey and now Mexico he has accepted blame on behalf of America for problems that currently plague these nations.
Transcending his words, President Obama’s actions speak just as loudly. Behavior such as refusing the French President’s invitation to visit one of the most hallowed cemeteries in history near Normandy last month demonstrates his lack of respect for fallen Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice while fighting one of the greatest evils the world has ever seen. Moreover his excuse of not wanting to offend the Germans was abhorrent. By God Mr. President, are you such a coward that you do not wish to offend anyone sympathetic to the evil deeds of Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist Party?!
Amazingly President Obama does not want to offend Nazi sympathizers but embraces the likes of Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro.
Trampling the principles of democracy and liberty he tells some of our European partners that the liberation of Iraq was nothing more than an “unnecessary distraction”. In doing so he not only agrees with our enemies and countries that financially supported Saddam’s tyranny (France) but also shuns our closest allies (Great Britain & Australia) who sacrificed their blood and treasure.
President Obama overlooks the simple fact that the United States of America is the greatest nation to ever exist in the history of mankind. We have achieved unparalleled wealth, prosperity, productivity and a standard of living that exceeds anything that has ever been seen in recorded history. Our ability to innovate and mass produce technology has not only benefited the people of our nation but the entire world as well.
Our great country generously provides foods, medicine, housing and health care for our less fortunate citizens and even those who are in our country illegally. We often turn a blind eye to those who take advantage of our generosity in spite of their ability to take care of themselves. We not only take care of our own, we invest more money than any other nation in providing aid and assistance to those outside of our borders. Often even with those who wish us harm. We do this because we are a compassionate and caring people.
We do this because beyond our nation’s contribution of great wealth and prosperity our nation has done something for the world that no other nation ever has. We as Americans share a unique ideal. It was a notion that germinated with the Magna Carta and evolved into the very unique American ideal held true in our Declaration of Independence.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”
These are some of the most brilliant words ever put to paper. They not only declare our fundamental rights as humankind, but also simply state that the means of securing these rights Governments instituted among men must derive their powers from the consent of the very people they govern.
We as a nation are not perfect; we never have been, not in our inception and not even now. However, throughout our history we have held dear these ideals and values. The have been the cornerstone of American thought that led to so many great and historical events such as the abolition of slavery, the liberation of Europe (twice), the right of suffrage for women, the Civil Rights act and yes, the liberation of the people’s of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Throughout our history our nation has taken a stand for these beliefs especially when our nation’s interest is at stake. While we have not been perfect and have made our share of mistakes in addition to having relationships with other governments that do not share the same ideals as a general principle we as Americans have held to the belief that all humankind shares in these “unalienable Rights”.
President Obama’s apologies for “Americanism” coupled with his policy initiatives and actions are departure from our most sacred ideals.
We are not arrogant or derisive when we tell the Europeans that we do not approve of their actions in financially and politically supporting regimes like Saddam Hussein, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. These regimes were and are horrible governments that do not believe in the self-evident rights of man. They have trampled on the rights of man in some of the most horrible ways.
We as a nation are not to blame for the horrors of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, nor are we to blame for the corrupt government in Mexico that does nothing to help it’s poor. Perhaps our greatest fault in dealing with Mexico has been our compassion and generosity, in our willingness to look the other way as millions of Mexico’s abused people risk their lives to live in our country. It is this fault of ours that has only served to prolong the corrupt Mexican government.
We as a nation are often put in the position of dealing with states that are “destructive” and suppress the rights of their people to alter or abolish their destructive governments. Within these nations voices of dissent in are quashed by the tyranny of imprisonment, torture and even worse death.
The President is not an ignorant man, but he is wrong to hold the view that our nation has been arrogant, and derisive when dealing with other nation states that do not hold to the ideals of our self evident unalienable Rights. To say that these nations morally are on the same playing field or in President Obama’s words “equal partners” is wrong.
The President should be told that our self-evident ideals involving the notion that all men are created equal are not arrogant or derisive. They are morally just and right. We as a nation should demand the President stop with this kind of language and behavior. While as an individual Mr. Obama may not hold to these ideals; he is our elected President and represents us as a nation and the ideals that our nation has held dear for more than two hundred years.
We should demand President Obama stop using the office of the Presidency to shoot the finger at Thomas Jefferson, our founding fathers and the Declaration of Independence.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Fawning for Communism The Democrats Wonderful Adventure to Cuba
"This is the dawning of a new day," Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., declared. "Fifty years of foolishness is over. It's time for the children to sit in the corner and the adults to take over."
These are the words Democrat House Representative Bobby Rush chose for the media while visiting the Castro brothers in Cuba. In short he is telling the world that Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush were "children" in their foreign policy with Cuba.
Cuba is a hell hole created by the Castro brothers so repressive that its people are willing to risk drowning, being eaten by sharks and dying under a baking sun while swept out to sea as they attempt to reach the safe harbor of our shores.
So Mr. Rush, if the policies of the past fifty years are so childlike and you prefer the warm embrace of a Communist Dictator, what else do you support?
-Killing off our auto industry completely so we can all be like the Cubans and drive cars made in the 50's?
-Imprisoning, torturing and killing individuals who do not agree with you politically?
-Eliminating our democratic process of electing public officials?
But what do I know? My view was aligned with the "children" of the past 50 years.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Would you bank here?
It is 7pm at night, you and your family are settling down to the nightly ritual of the family watching their favorite TV shows. Tonight is extraordinarily special because you took off work early stopped at Best Buy and purchased a brand new 50 inch plasma screen TV. The fiddling with wires, cables and instruction manuals are over. It’s just you the family and high definition glory.
Then the phone rings.
“Yes sir, this is your bank. The one you have your mortgage, bank account and several credit cards with.”
“Uh yes….”
“Listen, you are on a tele-conference bridge with shareholders & other bank customers who have money invested here at the bank. We have recently updated all terms and conditions for money lent here at this bank. Sir I would like to share with you tonight these new terms and conditions.“
“Ok” you tentatively reply
“First of all we want to remind you that the home you own, the car you drive and many other items you possess were purchased with the banks money via your mortgage, auto loan and credit cards. We have recently conducted a poll of our investors and share holders to solicit their opinions regarding the use of bank money by the people who borrow it.
After exhaustive research and feedback from investors we have developed a set of criteria that you must now follow so as long as you are taking money from this bank.”
“Hey but wait a minute…” you interrupt.
“No sir, you wait a minute, may I remind you as long as you are using the money of this bank the people who have money invested in this bank have a vested interest in the choices you make and under these new terms and conditions now reserve the right to influence your individual decisions that you make within your house hold. Keep in mind you can pay us back in full right now and be free of all of the terms and conditions of borrowing money here at this bank. Sir do you wish to pay off all of your debts today?”
Obviously, you cannot so you reply, “uh no..”
“Ok Sir, if you will just listen we have a short list of terms and conditions that must be met if you wish to continue to borrow money from our bank. These terms and conditions are designed to help you save additional money that can be paid back to the bank.
1. You must take back the money you pay your children for good report cards. These in our view are unjust bonuses. You shouldn’t be using borrowed money to pay children for what they should be doing anyway and that is making good grades in school.
2. Furthermore, you must take your children out of the private school and send them to a local public school. Not all of our investors can afford to send their children to private schools and therefore you should not be using their money to give your children this unfair advantage.
3. You must trade in your Sport Utility Vehicle for a hybrid or more fuel efficient car. We understand you have four children but we must all make sacrifices and this will bring your family closer together literally and figuratively. The money you save in gas should be used to pay back the bank.
4. You must allow us to install a “smart” thermostat in your house to ensure you are not spending too much of the bank’s money needlessly running an air conditioning unit during peak hours. Again, we sympathize that you live in Texas but you are using the bank’s money.
5. You must stop wasting your money on a PPO and switch to an HMO of our choosing. The investors of this bank view the extra money spent on a PPO as a frivolous waste. Choice of doctor is a luxury you are paying for with the bank’s money and our HMO of choice will make excellent decisions on your behalf.
Sir, do you understand the terms and conditions?”
How would you respond? You’d politely tell the guy on the other end of the line where he could go and move your liabilities to a bank with friendlier terms and conditions.
Now replace “The Bank” with “the US Government”. This (and much more) is exactly what is happening to all of us collectively right now in Washington DC through unprecedented and dangerous legislation that has been passed in the past year.
It’s time to politely tell our elected officials where to go in 2010 and find a new bank.
By the way.. you also need to box up that new TV and take it back to Best Buy.
Then the phone rings.
“Yes sir, this is your bank. The one you have your mortgage, bank account and several credit cards with.”
“Uh yes….”
“Listen, you are on a tele-conference bridge with shareholders & other bank customers who have money invested here at the bank. We have recently updated all terms and conditions for money lent here at this bank. Sir I would like to share with you tonight these new terms and conditions.“
“Ok” you tentatively reply
“First of all we want to remind you that the home you own, the car you drive and many other items you possess were purchased with the banks money via your mortgage, auto loan and credit cards. We have recently conducted a poll of our investors and share holders to solicit their opinions regarding the use of bank money by the people who borrow it.
After exhaustive research and feedback from investors we have developed a set of criteria that you must now follow so as long as you are taking money from this bank.”
“Hey but wait a minute…” you interrupt.
“No sir, you wait a minute, may I remind you as long as you are using the money of this bank the people who have money invested in this bank have a vested interest in the choices you make and under these new terms and conditions now reserve the right to influence your individual decisions that you make within your house hold. Keep in mind you can pay us back in full right now and be free of all of the terms and conditions of borrowing money here at this bank. Sir do you wish to pay off all of your debts today?”
Obviously, you cannot so you reply, “uh no..”
“Ok Sir, if you will just listen we have a short list of terms and conditions that must be met if you wish to continue to borrow money from our bank. These terms and conditions are designed to help you save additional money that can be paid back to the bank.
1. You must take back the money you pay your children for good report cards. These in our view are unjust bonuses. You shouldn’t be using borrowed money to pay children for what they should be doing anyway and that is making good grades in school.
2. Furthermore, you must take your children out of the private school and send them to a local public school. Not all of our investors can afford to send their children to private schools and therefore you should not be using their money to give your children this unfair advantage.
3. You must trade in your Sport Utility Vehicle for a hybrid or more fuel efficient car. We understand you have four children but we must all make sacrifices and this will bring your family closer together literally and figuratively. The money you save in gas should be used to pay back the bank.
4. You must allow us to install a “smart” thermostat in your house to ensure you are not spending too much of the bank’s money needlessly running an air conditioning unit during peak hours. Again, we sympathize that you live in Texas but you are using the bank’s money.
5. You must stop wasting your money on a PPO and switch to an HMO of our choosing. The investors of this bank view the extra money spent on a PPO as a frivolous waste. Choice of doctor is a luxury you are paying for with the bank’s money and our HMO of choice will make excellent decisions on your behalf.
Sir, do you understand the terms and conditions?”
How would you respond? You’d politely tell the guy on the other end of the line where he could go and move your liabilities to a bank with friendlier terms and conditions.
Now replace “The Bank” with “the US Government”. This (and much more) is exactly what is happening to all of us collectively right now in Washington DC through unprecedented and dangerous legislation that has been passed in the past year.
It’s time to politely tell our elected officials where to go in 2010 and find a new bank.
By the way.. you also need to box up that new TV and take it back to Best Buy.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Healthcare & Another Reversal For Hope but not Change!
Here's more "change" that certainly will kill your "hope" that health care in America will become more affordable in the future.
Taxing Health Care benefits of workers was a bad idea when John McCain proposed it during the 2008 Presidential campaign and Barack Obama was correct to say it was a bad idea.
But now as President "Hope & Change" actually has to transcend his campaign rhetoric he has to figure out how to pay for nationalizing our health care system. What better way to do that than to continue the liberal destruction of the private health care industry?
Politicians never tell the American people the dirty little secret as to why health care in America costs so much but the truth is in "Government Greed." We constantly hear about how evil "Corporate Greed" is but nobody stands up to these politicians and speaks the truth about why their health care costs so much.
Here's a few reasons why.
1. Government policies mandating nobody be refused health care due to an inability to pay. (Add the millions of illegals in this country and that makes for a hefty bill.
2. Government policies that fix and set prices for drugs and health care services below market prices. As the government expands Medicaid and Medicare to more and more people, drug companies, doctors and hospitals have to make up the cost elsewhere and thus pass the cost on to you and your insurance company. (Let's also not forget the fixed prices other nationalized health care nations impose on our drug companies and medical equipment manufacturers, yes you make up the cost for nationalized health care in Canada and Europe as well. Wonderful isn't it?)
3. Government policies of not restricting punitive damages on torts. Again, you the private insurer have to make up the costs of medical malpractice insurance which has become so expensive it has forced many doctors out of business. (BTW John Edwards became a millionaire suing OB/GYNs).
All of these government policies are driving up the cost of our health care in this country and now Democrats and some RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) want you to pay even more for other people's health care. You the tax paying citizen already are making up the costs of the uninsured, fixed price ambulance chasing cost drivers that are making your health costs so expensive already.
And now President Obama wants to add another cost to your health care by forcing you to pay taxes on top of what you already pay in health insurance. How in the holy hell does Obama think this is going to make health care more affordable for Americans? The simple truth is, it will only make health care more affordable for his constituents which do not include you the private insured. This is nothing more than a government scheme to force people to give up private insurance in favor of government backed health care.
I've been to the government run hospitals in Europe and if you are the nostalgic type you will certainly enjoy the look and feel of health care the way it was 20 years ago.
The march towards socialism continues.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
GITMO Warm and Fuzzies
So Fox News runs a story today detailing how five GITMO detainees have signed confessions stating their pride in planning and assisting in the execution of the 9/11 attacks.
You can't say this was done under duress of the Obama administration because there's no water boarding going on there.
It is so calming and reassuring that our President has:
--Suspended all trials for GITMO detainees.
--Ordered the closure of GITMO with no clear plan of what to do with detainees once the facility is closed.
Most recent news reports indicate these prisoners will be moved to facilities here in the US.
Sleep well all of you applauding the closure of Guantanamo Bay.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Overwhelmed, Understaffed & Falling Behind
This is the guy who couldn't figure out how to pay his taxes, while Democrats and Republicans both pushed aside his "honest mistake" because of his economic prowess.
"We need this guy!" is all we heard on both sides of the aisle.
Evidently, not only can Mr. Geithner not figure out how to pay income taxes without his employer auto-magically deducting them, he can't figure out how to appoint deputies either and is flailing in his new job.
Let's hope he figures it out and soon because since his lord and savior the Magnanimous President Barack Obama has been elected our markets have lost half their value.
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Audacity of Socialism

The picture says it all. Here's to all the "hope and change" you can stomach.
Our markets are based upon capitalism and every rescue plan that has come out of Washington DC since October of last year has been based upon Socialism.
Now we have an ideologue for a President that is making the biggest push for Government run everything. He and his party are proposing:
--That the government electronically monitor every health record in America.
--That government put "smart" technology in every home to tax and monitor energy consumption usage.
--That the government put GPS devices in every car and tax when and where you drive.
--That the government subsidize our auto industry and dictate the wages of executives and the types of cars that are built.
Is it any wonder, moreover expected, that markets based upon Capitalism would rally or embrace Socialism?
What the hell ever happened to Global Warming?
Oh yeah... it's "climate change" but you should still forfeit your liberty, money and lifestyle to the benevolent government to help us "save the planet."
Never mind the first Earth Day was to save us from Global Cooling, then it's Global Warming and what the hell, we greenies can't figure it out so we'll call it "Climate Change" so just give us your money and control of your lives and get on a "smart grid"!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
PETA Showcasing Progressive Tolerance.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Boy Tax Cuts Really Hurt Government Revenue
I keep hearing "corporate greed" and "tax cuts don't work" from all my progressive and liberal friends but I think they are confused.
1. Taxes are a function of government, not the economy except to take money that would have otherwise been spent by tax payers (individual and corporate)
2. I continue to hear that the George Bush Tax cuts caused our financial crisis but have yet have anyone explain to me the cause and effect.
I've also heard flat out lies about how cutting taxes hurt government programs and the people who benefit from them. It is simply not true. With our without tax cuts revenue to the US Treasury has steadily increased.
Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself.

Look at big old greedy government. The lines in the graphs represent tax money that the government takes from you while we continue to hear how we should sacrifice even more as Government spending continues to increase.
Again, look at the graph and the amount of money that comes in. The trajectory is almost always "north east" with the exception of " Bust"/recession of 2000/2001. Following that dip look at the utterly massive increase in tax revenue.
Yeah.. there was some greed going on during the satanic years of George W. Bush, but it wasn't corporate, it was the government pig taking more and more.
Now here we are at the apex of "government take" from its citizenry, and the private economy is hurting and our elected officials are demanding that to "fix" the economy the "take" must be even more.
The notion that tax cuts hurt government spending is baloney and joins its sister that taking more in taxes and government spending helps the economy.
I'm not buying it.
1. Taxes are a function of government, not the economy except to take money that would have otherwise been spent by tax payers (individual and corporate)
2. I continue to hear that the George Bush Tax cuts caused our financial crisis but have yet have anyone explain to me the cause and effect.
I've also heard flat out lies about how cutting taxes hurt government programs and the people who benefit from them. It is simply not true. With our without tax cuts revenue to the US Treasury has steadily increased.
Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself.

Look at big old greedy government. The lines in the graphs represent tax money that the government takes from you while we continue to hear how we should sacrifice even more as Government spending continues to increase.
Again, look at the graph and the amount of money that comes in. The trajectory is almost always "north east" with the exception of " Bust"/recession of 2000/2001. Following that dip look at the utterly massive increase in tax revenue.
Yeah.. there was some greed going on during the satanic years of George W. Bush, but it wasn't corporate, it was the government pig taking more and more.
Now here we are at the apex of "government take" from its citizenry, and the private economy is hurting and our elected officials are demanding that to "fix" the economy the "take" must be even more.
The notion that tax cuts hurt government spending is baloney and joins its sister that taking more in taxes and government spending helps the economy.
I'm not buying it.
Monday, February 9, 2009
We'll show those evil CEO's we'll cap their income!!! What a moronic move!
I'd like someone to define "fair share". How does that get decided? Who decides it? Should we not pay what the market will bear?
Go to the IRS's website and run the reports for yourself. The top 25% of wage earners pay 91% of the revenue that comes into the treasury.
Taxable income is as follows for 2008 (filing status of a single individual):
> 8,025 Tax Bracket 10%
8,025 --32,550 = 15%
32,550--78,850 = 25%
78,850--164,550 = 28%
164,550 --357,700=33%
< 357,700=35%
So let’s take the argument to the next level. Let’s say we cap every CEO’s income to 500K.
A CEO capped at 500K at 35% would only pay $175,000 to the US Treasury.
A CEO making 5 Million at 35% pays $1,750,000 to the US Treasury.
What do you think would happen to our budget if we capped every CEO to 500K? Oh boy that would really stick it to the rich guy and our government. Our government would then only have two alternatives.
1. Raise Taxes
2. Cut Spending and Programs
Envy is the tool of politicians. It sure sounds nice but when you do the math these noble ideas simply doesn’t add up.
Go to the IRS's website and run the reports for yourself. The top 25% of wage earners pay 91% of the revenue that comes into the treasury.
Taxable income is as follows for 2008 (filing status of a single individual):
> 8,025 Tax Bracket 10%
8,025 --32,550 = 15%
32,550--78,850 = 25%
78,850--164,550 = 28%
164,550 --357,700=33%
< 357,700=35%
So let’s take the argument to the next level. Let’s say we cap every CEO’s income to 500K.
A CEO capped at 500K at 35% would only pay $175,000 to the US Treasury.
A CEO making 5 Million at 35% pays $1,750,000 to the US Treasury.
What do you think would happen to our budget if we capped every CEO to 500K? Oh boy that would really stick it to the rich guy and our government. Our government would then only have two alternatives.
1. Raise Taxes
2. Cut Spending and Programs
Envy is the tool of politicians. It sure sounds nice but when you do the math these noble ideas simply doesn’t add up.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Power Play For Socialism (Duex)

As predicted last week, here we go. If you are beholden to government for benefits, government will attach chains. (Not strings, chains).
We are already seeing the Obama administration moving swiftly in that direction.
- First we unleash environmental standards that further financially strain the automotive industry.
- Now we are setting executive pay to 500K.
These executives are not unlike most Americans. The more you make the more you spend.
My family has been blessed. We have worked hard and make decent money but the one thing I have learned as our income has grown is we have many, many friends that live paycheck to paycheck and it does not matter if they are making 25K a year or 250K a year.
Certainly this does not excuse the individual's obligation to personal responsibility, however, the implications of this retarded policy will most likely cause these executives to resign and seek jobs elsewhere that compensate them to meet their current financial obligations.
Of course this is a classic Socialist power play. We will see a less qualified bureaucrat or someone within the company promoted to take on the executive reins and the automakers will only continue to suffer even more.
Thus the call for more government control and oversight.
Wake up America! This is how the game is played and you are losing the most prosperous nation in the history of the world to students of Karl Marx who's ideology has been attempted and failed many times!!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Power Play For Socialism
Today our lord and savior Barack Obama reversed an Executive Order previously introduced by President Bush to alleviate some of the financial strain on US Auto makers.
Aside from poor management and gross inefficiencies, some of financial woes that beset the troubled car makers stem directly to government mandated fuel efficiency standards. These standards have put huge financial burdens on US Auto Makers.
This is just another example of how Democrats have been on the wrong side of history once again. Throw in their past policies of allying with Unions to the point that auto manufacturers are simply no longer competitive with their Asian peers.
One has to ask, is this stupidity or naivety on the part of Liberals?
I don't think so. Mr. Obama and the Democrat party know damn well the auto industry is struggling. This is a power play to drive up costs and force the auto manufacturers to come back to big goverment for yet another bail out. The difference this time will be an agreement that will either partially or fully nationalize the auto industry. It is a power play that doesn't just stop with auto manufacturers.
Liberal policies that have driven up health care costs are part of the same strategic playbook to nationalize health care as well.
Here's to more change that only Karl Marx could hope for.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Two ex-Guantanamo inmates appear in Al-Qaeda video
I imagine that we will hear how "America created these monsters." Not that we picked them up off the battlefield plotting to kill our soldiers or even worse American citizens. Instead the Media Whore Complex will go on and on about how this is our fault and our evil, greedy, capitalistic society spurns the hatred of these individuals.
However, after a very quick study of history militant Islam was running rampant long before the United States (or evil Capitalism) was created so I'm not sure how these radical whack jobs are "our fault." Unless the prophet foresaw it but I also don't remember that being in the Koran either.
Friday, January 23, 2009
How would you like six thousand dollars? How about 12 Thousand?
Add on to that the cost of President Obama's 800 billion "stimulus" plan he and the Democrats want to pass within the next few months.
That's more than TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS per tax payer!!!
Hello America!!! Wake up!!! Can you imagine if every tax payer received a check for TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS?!!!
Don't you think that would stimulate the economy a whole hell of a lot more than say the 600 million dollars being spent on digital TV conversions?
Boy isn't this the "Change" you signed up for?!!
Here's Some More Hope & Change!
Here is some more change to put in your pipe and smoke.
- Federal funding for overseas abortions.
- Removal of the military's policy of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" (This policy is not an anti- policy against people but that is a whole another blog)
- Closing Guantanamo Bay prison with no clear plan as to what we will do with the prisoners.
- Halting of the military tribunals for GITMO prisoners. (Some of which were captured for bombing the USS Cole during the Clinton Administration).
- Appointment of Eric Holder as US Attorney General. This was the guy who advised Bill Clinton to pardon FALN Terrorists and Mark Rich.
The only thing President O'bama is uniting are the far left while alienating everyone in the middle and the right.
Here's to more hope and change.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Oh This is what Hope and Change are all about!
Finally I get it!!
We "hope" the terrorists do not attack us because the "change" is dismantling of the security measures put in place by the Great Satan (George W Bush).
Let it be known when we are attacked in the future we can look to this article and this day as the beginning of the events set into motion our next terror attack on the homeland.
Why do I have visions of our enemies standing outside of their caves/hideouts firing their AK-47's into the air?
We "hope" the terrorists do not attack us because the "change" is dismantling of the security measures put in place by the Great Satan (George W Bush).
Let it be known when we are attacked in the future we can look to this article and this day as the beginning of the events set into motion our next terror attack on the homeland.
Why do I have visions of our enemies standing outside of their caves/hideouts firing their AK-47's into the air?
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