"This is the dawning of a new day," Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., declared. "Fifty years of foolishness is over. It's time for the children to sit in the corner and the adults to take over."
These are the words Democrat House Representative Bobby Rush chose for the media while visiting the Castro brothers in Cuba. In short he is telling the world that Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush were "children" in their foreign policy with Cuba.
Cuba is a hell hole created by the Castro brothers so repressive that its people are willing to risk drowning, being eaten by sharks and dying under a baking sun while swept out to sea as they attempt to reach the safe harbor of our shores.
So Mr. Rush, if the policies of the past fifty years are so childlike and you prefer the warm embrace of a Communist Dictator, what else do you support?
-Killing off our auto industry completely so we can all be like the Cubans and drive cars made in the 50's?
-Imprisoning, torturing and killing individuals who do not agree with you politically?
-Eliminating our democratic process of electing public officials?
But what do I know? My view was aligned with the "children" of the past 50 years.
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