Monday, July 26, 2010

Obama The Liar - Once Again

Last week President Obama and Britsh Prime Minister David Cameron held a joint press conference to discuss the release of Abdel Baset al-Megrahi the Lockerbie bomber who blew up Pan Am flight 103 murdering 243 people.

In their joint conference Obama claims he was against the release. See for yourself in the clip below.

An Australian new was investigating an oil deal that would allow for BP to drill off of Lybia's coast accidentally uncovered a memo from the Obama administration urging the release of Abdel Baset al-Megrahi as being preferable to him being sent to a Lybian prison.

The article states:

"The US has tried to keep the letter secret, refusing to give permission to the Scottish authorities to publish it on the grounds it would prevent future "frank and open communications" with other governments."

While the Administration preferred for Megrahi to remain in prison, they strongly opposed sending him to a Libyan prison.

"Nevertheless, if Scottish authorities come to the conclusion that Megrahi must be released from Scottish custody, the US position is that conditional release on compassionate grounds would be a far preferable alternative to prisoner transfer, which we strongly oppose."

This is the exact opposite of Obama's comments last week. In fact, this wreaks of political crony capitalism.

What is most disturbing is the blatant nature of the President's lie. Granted, it is assumed politicians are wordsmiths that don't always say what they mean, however, this is just blatant.

It is not just this lie but when one looks back at all of the lies told by this President, one has to come to the realization that he will say anything to get what he wants.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Obama The Liar - Its 1937 All Over Again

Shortly after Social Security was passed in 1935 opponents filed lawsuits based upon the constitutionality of the landmark bill.

FDR had promoted Social Security as an "insurance program" and sold it to the American people as such. However, once the case reached the Supreme Court the FDR administration argued in defense of the program that Social Security was constitutional because it was not an insurance program, moreover a tax and entitlement program.

The Supreme Court agreed in Helvering v. Davis (1937) and Social Security has been with us ever since.

Fast forward to 2009-2010, it truly is 1937 all over again.

In 2009 President Obama sat down with George Stephanopoulos on the Sunday show this week and adamantly proclaimed that the Health Care Reform bill "was not a tax".

See here for yourself:

Now, in July 2010 the New York Times (and many more news sources) report a different story. A story with bait and switch echos to the days of FDR.

According to the Times the "Obama administration and its allies now defend the requirement as an exercise of the government's "power to lay and collect taxes.""

Really?! This coming from a President who we've been told taught Constitutional law?!

The President was either a lousy Constitutional scholar or he was flat out lying on ABC's This Week. By virtue of the fact that he claimed the "tax" question was not even a legitimate argument is rather shocking given how his Administration plans to defend the Constitutionality of "Obamacare."

It truly is 1937 all over again.

Seventy years later the entitlements promised in Social Security threaten out nation's financial viability. Add Medicare and all the other entitlement programs since, and now Obamacare and we have to ask ourselves how will we ever pay for this?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Michelle Obama Race Baiting with little or no proof.

Michelle Obama Visits NAACP on Eve of Tea Party Condemnation - ABC News

While some black members of congress have claimed racial epitaphs were thrown their way last summer during the often heated health care debate.

Not one camera out of hundreds of cameras at many many Tea Party events have ever produced one racial slur or epitaph and yet the First Lady of the United States is willing to go before the NAACP and deride the Tea Party movement for its alleged "racism."

Perhaps Michelle Obama should look within her own "political" house and clean it up before making such accusations. In case Mrs. Obama needs some help I've provided some examples here for her reference.

Jesse Jackson referring to Cavs owner Dan Gilbert of acting like a "slave owner". Granted Dan Gilbert acted like a foolish child with LeBron's departure, however, that is no reason for the likes of Jackson to start stirring up remarks that paint Gilbert as some racists.

Or perhaps we should look to the comments of the minister that married Michelle Obama to her husband the President Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Or perhaps we should ask Attorney General Eric Holder who has called Americans "cowards" when it comes to dealing with racism in this country why his office withdrew charges against the New Black Panthers for blatant hatred, racism and moreover violation of Federal Law in the intimidation of voters at polling booths.

Mrs Obama I have video of racism of people who are aligned to your political beliefs. Where is your video?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kill some crackers and their babies » Before the Obama Justice Dept Dropped Charges Against Him, Black Panther Advocated Killing White Babies

US Attorney General Eric Holder once stated that Americans were "cowards" when it came to confronting race and racism in America.

Was he talking about Americans or himself?

Mr Holder you are the coward. Or is that racist?