Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Michelle Obama Race Baiting with little or no proof.

Michelle Obama Visits NAACP on Eve of Tea Party Condemnation - ABC News

While some black members of congress have claimed racial epitaphs were thrown their way last summer during the often heated health care debate.

Not one camera out of hundreds of cameras at many many Tea Party events have ever produced one racial slur or epitaph and yet the First Lady of the United States is willing to go before the NAACP and deride the Tea Party movement for its alleged "racism."

Perhaps Michelle Obama should look within her own "political" house and clean it up before making such accusations. In case Mrs. Obama needs some help I've provided some examples here for her reference.

Jesse Jackson referring to Cavs owner Dan Gilbert of acting like a "slave owner". Granted Dan Gilbert acted like a foolish child with LeBron's departure, however, that is no reason for the likes of Jackson to start stirring up remarks that paint Gilbert as some racists.

Or perhaps we should look to the comments of the minister that married Michelle Obama to her husband the President Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Or perhaps we should ask Attorney General Eric Holder who has called Americans "cowards" when it comes to dealing with racism in this country why his office withdrew charges against the New Black Panthers for blatant hatred, racism and moreover violation of Federal Law in the intimidation of voters at polling booths.

Mrs Obama I have video of racism of people who are aligned to your political beliefs. Where is your video?

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