"We have at times been disengaged, and at times we sought to dictate our terms," Obama said to loud applause. "But I pledge to you that we seek an equal partnership. There is no senior partner and junior partner in our relations."-- President Barak Obama in his speech to the 34 nation summit of the Americas this weekend.
Collectively President Obama’s actions and statements in his European, Asian and now Mexico and South America have become the figurative equivalent of giving the Declaration of Independence the middle finger.
The man Barak Obama is one of two things in his political ideology. He either an ignorant ideologue that has no understanding of our founding documents or he flat out rejects our founding principles in favor of the collectivist teachings of Marx, Engels and other like minded Socialists. I am firmly inclined to believe the latter especially given the President once taught Constitutional Law.
In recent weeks President Obama has declared our nation’s past actions as “derisive” and “arrogant” in dealing with other nations. He flat out stated that most of President Bush’s foreign policy initiatives were mistakes. In every country he has visited from Europe to Turkey and now Mexico he has accepted blame on behalf of America for problems that currently plague these nations.
Transcending his words, President Obama’s actions speak just as loudly. Behavior such as refusing the French President’s invitation to visit one of the most hallowed cemeteries in history near Normandy last month demonstrates his lack of respect for fallen Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice while fighting one of the greatest evils the world has ever seen. Moreover his excuse of not wanting to offend the Germans was abhorrent. By God Mr. President, are you such a coward that you do not wish to offend anyone sympathetic to the evil deeds of Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist Party?!
Amazingly President Obama does not want to offend Nazi sympathizers but embraces the likes of Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro.
Trampling the principles of democracy and liberty he tells some of our European partners that the liberation of Iraq was nothing more than an “unnecessary distraction”. In doing so he not only agrees with our enemies and countries that financially supported Saddam’s tyranny (France) but also shuns our closest allies (Great Britain & Australia) who sacrificed their blood and treasure.
President Obama overlooks the simple fact that the United States of America is the greatest nation to ever exist in the history of mankind. We have achieved unparalleled wealth, prosperity, productivity and a standard of living that exceeds anything that has ever been seen in recorded history. Our ability to innovate and mass produce technology has not only benefited the people of our nation but the entire world as well.
Our great country generously provides foods, medicine, housing and health care for our less fortunate citizens and even those who are in our country illegally. We often turn a blind eye to those who take advantage of our generosity in spite of their ability to take care of themselves. We not only take care of our own, we invest more money than any other nation in providing aid and assistance to those outside of our borders. Often even with those who wish us harm. We do this because we are a compassionate and caring people.
We do this because beyond our nation’s contribution of great wealth and prosperity our nation has done something for the world that no other nation ever has. We as Americans share a unique ideal. It was a notion that germinated with the Magna Carta and evolved into the very unique American ideal held true in our Declaration of Independence.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”
These are some of the most brilliant words ever put to paper. They not only declare our fundamental rights as humankind, but also simply state that the means of securing these rights Governments instituted among men must derive their powers from the consent of the very people they govern.
We as a nation are not perfect; we never have been, not in our inception and not even now. However, throughout our history we have held dear these ideals and values. The have been the cornerstone of American thought that led to so many great and historical events such as the abolition of slavery, the liberation of Europe (twice), the right of suffrage for women, the Civil Rights act and yes, the liberation of the people’s of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Throughout our history our nation has taken a stand for these beliefs especially when our nation’s interest is at stake. While we have not been perfect and have made our share of mistakes in addition to having relationships with other governments that do not share the same ideals as a general principle we as Americans have held to the belief that all humankind shares in these “unalienable Rights”.
President Obama’s apologies for “Americanism” coupled with his policy initiatives and actions are departure from our most sacred ideals.
We are not arrogant or derisive when we tell the Europeans that we do not approve of their actions in financially and politically supporting regimes like Saddam Hussein, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. These regimes were and are horrible governments that do not believe in the self-evident rights of man. They have trampled on the rights of man in some of the most horrible ways.
We as a nation are not to blame for the horrors of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, nor are we to blame for the corrupt government in Mexico that does nothing to help it’s poor. Perhaps our greatest fault in dealing with Mexico has been our compassion and generosity, in our willingness to look the other way as millions of Mexico’s abused people risk their lives to live in our country. It is this fault of ours that has only served to prolong the corrupt Mexican government.
We as a nation are often put in the position of dealing with states that are “destructive” and suppress the rights of their people to alter or abolish their destructive governments. Within these nations voices of dissent in are quashed by the tyranny of imprisonment, torture and even worse death.
The President is not an ignorant man, but he is wrong to hold the view that our nation has been arrogant, and derisive when dealing with other nation states that do not hold to the ideals of our self evident unalienable Rights. To say that these nations morally are on the same playing field or in President Obama’s words “equal partners” is wrong.
The President should be told that our self-evident ideals involving the notion that all men are created equal are not arrogant or derisive. They are morally just and right. We as a nation should demand the President stop with this kind of language and behavior. While as an individual Mr. Obama may not hold to these ideals; he is our elected President and represents us as a nation and the ideals that our nation has held dear for more than two hundred years.
We should demand President Obama stop using the office of the Presidency to shoot the finger at Thomas Jefferson, our founding fathers and the Declaration of Independence.
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