1. Taxes are a function of government, not the economy except to take money that would have otherwise been spent by tax payers (individual and corporate)
2. I continue to hear that the George Bush Tax cuts caused our financial crisis but have yet have anyone explain to me the cause and effect.
I've also heard flat out lies about how cutting taxes hurt government programs and the people who benefit from them. It is simply not true. With our without tax cuts revenue to the US Treasury has steadily increased.
Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself.

Look at big old greedy government. The lines in the graphs represent tax money that the government takes from you while we continue to hear how we should sacrifice even more as Government spending continues to increase.
Again, look at the graph and the amount of money that comes in. The trajectory is almost always "north east" with the exception of "Dot.com Bust"/recession of 2000/2001. Following that dip look at the utterly massive increase in tax revenue.
Yeah.. there was some greed going on during the satanic years of George W. Bush, but it wasn't corporate, it was the government pig taking more and more.
Now here we are at the apex of "government take" from its citizenry, and the private economy is hurting and our elected officials are demanding that to "fix" the economy the "take" must be even more.
The notion that tax cuts hurt government spending is baloney and joins its sister that taking more in taxes and government spending helps the economy.
I'm not buying it.
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