Friday, January 23, 2009

Here's Some More Hope & Change!

Here is some more change to put in your pipe and smoke.

  • Federal funding for overseas abortions.
  • Removal of the military's policy of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" (This policy is not an anti- policy against people but that is a whole another blog)
  • Closing Guantanamo Bay prison with no clear plan as to what we will do with the prisoners.
  • Halting of the military tribunals for GITMO prisoners. (Some of which were captured for bombing the USS Cole during the Clinton Administration).
  • Appointment of Eric Holder as US Attorney General. This was the guy who advised Bill Clinton to pardon FALN Terrorists and Mark Rich.
Boy this sounds like a "centrist" to me. What a "Uniter!"

The only thing President O'bama is uniting are the far left while alienating everyone in the middle and the right.

Here's to more hope and change.

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