Carter: Racism plays major role in opposition to Obama -
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First California Congresswoman Diane Watson makes the accusation in a fund raising event that any white people that oppose Barack Obama's socialist agenda are simply against him because he's black.
Last week New York Times left wing columnist Maureen Dowd claimed that it was racism that compelled Congressman Joe Wilson to call President Obama a liar. Never mind that Congressman Wilson was party to several amendments killed by Democrats to the health care bills that would have mandated enforcement of ensuring illegal aliens were excluded from coverage. Imagine his frustration when President Obama stood before both
And now we have former President Jimmy Carter making a similar argument that people simply oppose Barack Obama because of his skin color.
First and foremost any Democrat or liberal that starts throwing around the race card in the health care debate, the massive expansion of government debate or the government take over of private company debates are relying on nothing more than their lack of intellectual capacity to argue these issues on the merits alone.
I personally find it offensive and racist in their own rights. However, I will note that as the playing of the race card becomes more prevalent, the more I am convinced that Conservatives (not Republicans) are winning the war of ideas with the American public.
However, allow me to apply the same logic used by Congresswoman Diane Watson, Columnist Maureen Dowd and former President Jimmy Carter. Their argument is racism is the only reason people are rejecting President Obama's socialist agenda.
By their own logic they too are admitting they are racists themselves, when they oppose prominent African American's who espouse capitalistic free market political values and philosophies. To name a few of these individuals:
Micheal Steele Chairman of the Republican National Committe.
Ward Connerly, political activist in support of campaigns against racial preferences.
JC Watts, former Congressman from Oklahoma and author of "What Color is a Conservative"
Thomas Sowell, columnist and author of numerous economic and political books such as "Black Rednecks, White Liberals","Economic Facts and Fallacies","The Vision of the Anointed","Basic Economics" and much much more.
Maureen Dowd, Jimmy Carter and Dianne Watson I guess by using your own logic you are racist but then again, I'm not a big fan of your logic.