Sunday, March 15, 2009
Healthcare & Another Reversal For Hope but not Change!
Here's more "change" that certainly will kill your "hope" that health care in America will become more affordable in the future.
Taxing Health Care benefits of workers was a bad idea when John McCain proposed it during the 2008 Presidential campaign and Barack Obama was correct to say it was a bad idea.
But now as President "Hope & Change" actually has to transcend his campaign rhetoric he has to figure out how to pay for nationalizing our health care system. What better way to do that than to continue the liberal destruction of the private health care industry?
Politicians never tell the American people the dirty little secret as to why health care in America costs so much but the truth is in "Government Greed." We constantly hear about how evil "Corporate Greed" is but nobody stands up to these politicians and speaks the truth about why their health care costs so much.
Here's a few reasons why.
1. Government policies mandating nobody be refused health care due to an inability to pay. (Add the millions of illegals in this country and that makes for a hefty bill.
2. Government policies that fix and set prices for drugs and health care services below market prices. As the government expands Medicaid and Medicare to more and more people, drug companies, doctors and hospitals have to make up the cost elsewhere and thus pass the cost on to you and your insurance company. (Let's also not forget the fixed prices other nationalized health care nations impose on our drug companies and medical equipment manufacturers, yes you make up the cost for nationalized health care in Canada and Europe as well. Wonderful isn't it?)
3. Government policies of not restricting punitive damages on torts. Again, you the private insurer have to make up the costs of medical malpractice insurance which has become so expensive it has forced many doctors out of business. (BTW John Edwards became a millionaire suing OB/GYNs).
All of these government policies are driving up the cost of our health care in this country and now Democrats and some RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) want you to pay even more for other people's health care. You the tax paying citizen already are making up the costs of the uninsured, fixed price ambulance chasing cost drivers that are making your health costs so expensive already.
And now President Obama wants to add another cost to your health care by forcing you to pay taxes on top of what you already pay in health insurance. How in the holy hell does Obama think this is going to make health care more affordable for Americans? The simple truth is, it will only make health care more affordable for his constituents which do not include you the private insured. This is nothing more than a government scheme to force people to give up private insurance in favor of government backed health care.
I've been to the government run hospitals in Europe and if you are the nostalgic type you will certainly enjoy the look and feel of health care the way it was 20 years ago.
The march towards socialism continues.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
GITMO Warm and Fuzzies
So Fox News runs a story today detailing how five GITMO detainees have signed confessions stating their pride in planning and assisting in the execution of the 9/11 attacks.
You can't say this was done under duress of the Obama administration because there's no water boarding going on there.
It is so calming and reassuring that our President has:
--Suspended all trials for GITMO detainees.
--Ordered the closure of GITMO with no clear plan of what to do with detainees once the facility is closed.
Most recent news reports indicate these prisoners will be moved to facilities here in the US.
Sleep well all of you applauding the closure of Guantanamo Bay.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Overwhelmed, Understaffed & Falling Behind
This is the guy who couldn't figure out how to pay his taxes, while Democrats and Republicans both pushed aside his "honest mistake" because of his economic prowess.
"We need this guy!" is all we heard on both sides of the aisle.
Evidently, not only can Mr. Geithner not figure out how to pay income taxes without his employer auto-magically deducting them, he can't figure out how to appoint deputies either and is flailing in his new job.
Let's hope he figures it out and soon because since his lord and savior the Magnanimous President Barack Obama has been elected our markets have lost half their value.
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Audacity of Socialism
The picture says it all. Here's to all the "hope and change" you can stomach.
Our markets are based upon capitalism and every rescue plan that has come out of Washington DC since October of last year has been based upon Socialism.
Now we have an ideologue for a President that is making the biggest push for Government run everything. He and his party are proposing:
--That the government electronically monitor every health record in America.
--That government put "smart" technology in every home to tax and monitor energy consumption usage.
--That the government put GPS devices in every car and tax when and where you drive.
--That the government subsidize our auto industry and dictate the wages of executives and the types of cars that are built.
Is it any wonder, moreover expected, that markets based upon Capitalism would rally or embrace Socialism?
What the hell ever happened to Global Warming?
Oh yeah... it's "climate change" but you should still forfeit your liberty, money and lifestyle to the benevolent government to help us "save the planet."
Never mind the first Earth Day was to save us from Global Cooling, then it's Global Warming and what the hell, we greenies can't figure it out so we'll call it "Climate Change" so just give us your money and control of your lives and get on a "smart grid"!!!
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